Who's your favourite fairy tale character? The Wicked Fairy Godmother or the Big Bad Wolf? How about a wizard, unicorn or dragon? The artist Edward Burne-Jones liked painting fairy tales like Sleeping Beauty. He was part of a group of artists called the Pre-Raphaelites. Their style of paintings made these stories look very real. Can you spot Sleeping Beauty in Burne-Jones's painting called The Rose Bower?
We're going to show you how to create your own fairy tale characters! When you're done you could put on a play or write a new story to go with your characters.
You will need:
- Some ink pads or coloured paints
- An apron or old clothes – this is to protect your clothes from getting stained
- Plain paper
- Colouring pencils (dark blue works well for the characters)
- Scissors
Let's start with the frog pRINCE ...

1. Get your materials ready

2. Make two thumbprints
2. Make two thumbprints

3. Next, draw two eyes and a smile

4. Add curvy lines for the legs and dots for the toes

5. Next add the crown

6. Good work! You've drawn a frog prince
To create the prince

1. Make three thumbprints for the body

2. Add lines for arms and legs

3. Draw a head and face however you like!

4. Add three fingerprints for the shield and two lines to make a sword

5. Draw three rectangles to create a belt

6. All done and ready to slay a dragon!
To create a unicorn

1. Make two thumbprints for the head and neck

2. ADd an eye, nose, ear and big smile!

3. For the horn, Draw a straight line with a curly line on top. Then add some hair!

4. Ta-dah! You've drawn a magical unicorn
Why not try other characters ...

A sparkly fairy ...

Or a fiery dragon!
Or design a background?

Choose a scene from your favourite fairy tale or design your own!
Illustration by Lucy Noakes